Tuesday, May 5, 2009

chestnuts: my orphan, my love.

so like my compatriot...i too and avoiding necessary evils by..oh dead...BLOGGan. 

I just want to say: I love chestnuts...roasted, creamed, soup'd..so much so that i know the word for them in too many languages, it's necessary if you want some while abroad (maroni, kestane, chataigne, castano.. oh my!) 

I found this recipe and I look forward to making it!  it's Potage Crémeux De Châtaigne...apparently from a hotel in Lyon, France. yes. although i do like the lovingly simple dessert I sampled in the Buda hills: basically chestnut cream with whipped cream on top. good plan

Also, likely in the future I'll be making cupcakes (perhaps involving some chocolate in the batter) with chestnut cream frosting. 

1 comment:

  1. that isn't your picture up top, is it??

    either way it looks yum.

    let the cupcake experiment commence!!
