Some quasi-good potato bread I made...made much better with butter and chestnut cream (right) and avocado and salt (left).
Holy cow and goat! Amazing butter.
All is right with the world: a shop with brick-oven baked breads just opened down the street from me. Joy! There is nothing better than breaking into the crackly crust of freshly baked bread and slathering on some butter. The bread is from Willow Rest which was just redone under new owners so now they have a bakery, tasty coffee, produce, and more (lots of it local too). I've tried the seedy kind, olive oil ciabatta, and batard...all so tasty.
In butter news I'm trying to sample whatever random stuff is at the store: Kerrygold of course, Smor, new tasties are Vermont Butter and Cheese's cultured butter and Meyenberg goat milk butter. Let me just say: if you like chevre or that great goatie taste: this butter is for you! That is if you want to splurge on butter, it's not as cheap as land o lakes but the others are definitely affordable.
The right pair of slathering medium and freshly baked canvas can be a recipe for polishing off loaves at a time. DELICIOUS.
oh girl you know how i feel about smashed avocado with a sprinkling of salt...