what lies there is a seemingly endless collection of the "best of" pictures from the "best of" food blogs. and now, as it merrily rains out side, I will share with you my personal favorites of the bunch: things I have no way the resources to make, but one day would be proud to:
1. Red Currant and Chocolate Tart (from: http://palachinka.blogspot.com/2009/06/red-currant-tart.html)

This is potentially one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. It combines my two favorite dessert textures: a soft fruit jelly and creamy chocolate ganache. The presentation is glorious. I can't say enough. The layers look so incredibly thick, that you can just imagine a fork sliding through it. Ahhh.

The O Pistachio blogger ALWAYS makes incredible looking things, but this is just top notch. As you can see, I have a distinct fondness for good looking tarts. This is a whole shallot tarte with the little devils nestled in a red onion jam. Holy crap.
3. Sourdough Potato Bread (from: http://cupcakemuffin.blogspot.com/2009/06/sourdough-potato-bread.html)

4. Lasoon Palak Di Dal (from: http://varshaspaceblog.blogspot.com/2009/04/lasoon-palak-di-dal-garlic-flavored.html)

The colors in this bowl of this Indian garlic heaven are astonishing and captured perfectly. I can almost smell it. You can see by the ingredients list how complex it is.
5. Cilantro Shrimp Dumplings with Homemade Wrappers (from http://rumahmakanmurni.blogspot.com/2009/06/cilantro-shrimp-chinese-dumplings.html)
These perfectly shaped dumplings look chewy and savory and to die for. Ultimate comfort.

6. Baked Apricots stuffed with Almond Paste (from http://www.piggyscookingjournal.com/2009/06/baked-apricots-stuffed-with-almond.html)
Most of the time, the best things are the simplest. So I'll end with these.

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