Ahh once of my greatest vices! popcorn!
Like whole milk, once you've had the good 'un you'll never go back.
Whence procrastinating, reading, hungry, whenever I'll pop some corn. I've used some from the likes of Met food mart etc. but the stuff I got from a co-op on e. 4th st (btw. bowery and 2nd ave) is real good.
The benefits of popping your own: it's massively easy, tastes better, isn't processed...everything?
Basically you just need to cover the kernels in oil (just vegetable oil..canola, corn etc.), not drenched just with a bit of a layer then cover and pop for a couple minutes...dress with fresh pepper and sea salt!
If yer feeling fancy try out some recipes like chili-lime-tequila popcorn from 101 cookbooks and while you're there try all the recipes
I SECOND THIS. pan pop-corn = the best. thing. ever.